2022, A Year In Review: How Novak Djokovic Risked Everything And Still Emerged Victorious In The End

Standing up for what you believe isn’t easy and it usually comes at a cost. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic learned that lesson the hard way during the 2022 ATP season, where he faced heavy scrutiny for his decision to remain unvaccinated, defying the rules that kept him from playing in some of the major tournaments throughout the year. The former number one tennis player was willing to risk his number one ranking, reputation, and career to stand by his convictions, but a win at Wimbledon and the year-end ATP Tour Finals allowed him to have the last laugh. Djokovic’s 2022 may not have gone according to plan, but the future for him is brighter than ever.

The 2022 ATP season began where it normally does with a number of hard court tournaments held in Australia, and capped off by the Australian Open that usually takes place at the end of January. Typically, the Australian Open features the best players competing for glory as it is the first major tournament on the calendar, but this year’s tournament was marred in controversy with the absence of one notable player that has made the land down under his home away from home, Novak Djokovic. Djokovic, the number one ranked tennis player at the time, is a 9-time champion of the Australian Open, was denied entry into the country as a result of his decision to remain unvaccinated from Covid-19. Australia was one of several countries to implement a Covid-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of entry unless a person has a valid medical exemption. After several weeks of court proceedings involving Djokovic, along with a media blitz of unfair coverage, Djokovic’s quest to secure a medical exemption was denied and he got deported back to his home country Serbia. The tournament proceeded with a cloud of controversy and former number one Rafael Nadal eventually won the tournament defeating Russian star Daniil Medvedev in a thrilling 5 set final. Nadal had secured a record 21st career major, breaking a three-way tie between Nadal, Djokovic, and Roger Federer who all had 20 majors prior to Nadal’s victory. Though some made it a point to place an asterisk next to Nadal’s name for obvious reasons. This would be the beginning of a very strange year for tennis in 2022.

In order to understand the very bizarre standoff between Novak Djokovic and the Australian government, we have to go back all the way to May, 2020 a mere 7 months prior to the development of a Covid-19 vaccine. Novak Djokovic made public statements that he would consider not playing tennis if the ATP, men’s tennis’ governing body, decided to implement a vaccine mandate for players and coaches. He further added that getting vaccinated should be a personal decision made between a doctor and a patient. Shortly after making these comments, the number one ranked tennis player and then 17-time major champion, organized an event known as the Adria Tour played in his native country Serbia. The tournament ignored health mandates such as social distancing measures, masks, and self-quarantine procedures. It was largely a success, but the last match was canceled after several cases of reported Covid-19 positive tests. Djokovic apologized, but insisted that he and other tournament organizers had followed necessary medical advice when conducting the event. Djokovic’s public opposition to any potential future vaccine mandate, coupled with his decision to stage the Adria Tour in packed stadiums would set the stage for what came next.

Despite the initial rollout of a Covid-19 vaccine in December of 2020, vaccine mandates were not an issue in 2021 due to a number of countries not having access to the vaccine in the early distribution days. Djokovic won the 2021 Australian Open in February after the tournament had been delayed a month due to ongoing concerns related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. This was Djokovic’s 9th title at the Australian Open and his 18th career major title. He proceeded to win the 2021 French Open title and the 2021 Wimbledon title. This brought his career major titles to 20 and tied rivals Nadal and Federer. He lost to Daniil Medvedev in the U.S. Open Final and failed to capture the calendar grand slam. His quest to be the first male athlete since Rod Laver to win the calendar grand slam was denied. Laver had accomplished this feat twice, once in 1962 and the other in 1969. Despite a great 2021 season, things would change quickly for Djokovic in the months leading up to the 2022 Australian Open.

The showdown between Novak Djokovic and the Australian government began in December, 2021, a full month prior to the beginning of the Australian Open. The Australian government announced that anybody planning on traveling to Australia would have to show a medical card that confirmed that a person had been vaccinated against Covid-19 with any of the approved vaccines. It was at this point that Djokovic began the process to acquire a valid medical exemption. Djokovic cited natural immunity as a reasoning for not needing the vaccine after having been diagnosed with Covid-19 two previous times. He was successful in this effort and was cleared to travel to Australia for the start of the 2022 season. Once he arrived, Djokovic was detained by government authorities at the airport in Melbourne. He was accused by the government of having an illegally obtained Covid-19 vaccine exemption card and had his travel visa revoked. Djokovic filed a civil case against the Australian government and a judge reinstated his passport and vaccine exemption card. What appeared to be a legal victory, turned into a long battle of litigation that eventually resulted in his deportation after having his exemption card revoked a second time. Djokovic returned to his home country Serbia, where he was greeted by thousands of supporters on the tarmac of an airport located in the capitol city of Belgrade. It was a very warm welcome for a man that had recently been put through hell for trying to live true to his conviction. Things would get worse before getting better, but one thing was clear, Djokovic wasn’t walking this journey alone.

After facing an unfair media blitz following the drama at the Australian Open, Djokovic would lose his number one ranking in February after being forced to miss out on several other tournaments that were held in countries with strict Covid-19 rules including several tournaments held inside the United States. Yes, even the United States, a country built on freedom, had draconian rules related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Nevertheless, Djokovic pressed on. He made it to the quarterfinals of the 2022 French Open, where he lost to eventual champion Rafael Nadal. In the summer, Djokovic finally had his breakthrough moment of 2022 when he claimed the Wimbledon title against Nick Kyrgios. This was Djokovic’s 21st career major singles title, breaking a tie for second with rival Federer (20), and putting him one behind rival Nadal (22). Despite seemingly re-establishing himself as the top player in the world, Djokovic was again denied entry into the United States during the fall hard court swing portion of the season and was denied entry into the U.S. Open as the Biden Administration refused to lift the Covid-19 vaccine mandate, and Djokovic decided not to seek an exemption. He stated that he respected the United States’ decision and did not want to create a repeat of what happened at the Australian Open earlier in the year. The decision not to play ultimately cost him the chance to reclaim the number one ranking he had to start the year.

Despite not playing in the U.S. Open, Novak Djokovic still had one more shining moment in 2022. By virtue of winning Wimbledon, Djokovic qualified for the year-end ATP Tour Finals held in Turin, Italy, where he would claim his sixth ATP Tour Finals singles title. This put him in a tie with Roger Federer for most ATP Tour Finals singles titles all-time. It was also his 91st career ATP singles title. He finished the 2022 season ranked number 5 in the world.

Despite the rather tumultuous 2022 season, Djokovic’s win at Wimbledon and the ATP Tour Finals, along with finishing inside the top-5 in the world rankings, helped solidify himself as not only the best player in the world, but one of the best all-time. The unfair media blitz continues, and that likely won’t go away in 2023 and beyond, but Djokovic’s unwavering convictions and determination to stand by his convictions will shine positively when he does decide to hang things up. History will be kinder to Djokovic.

Things are already starting to look bright for Novak Djokovic as the Australian open has paved the way for Djokovic’s return in 2023. He will be seeking his 10th Australian Open title. He will also be looking to regain the number one ranking.

Published by cooljake97

My name is Jake. I provide sports profiles on players, coaches, team owners, and other sports figures across a variety of sports. there's something here for everyone.

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