Erin Matson

Erin Matson is a college field hockey coach and former player. She’s 23 years-old. She played college field hockey at the University of North Carolina and was a standout player during her time in Chapel Hill. Matson played for the United States field hockey team and won two bronze medals. She is now the head …

Will Novak Djokovic Ever Get The Recognition He Deserves?

How does one define who gets to be called the greatest player of all time? That is the million dollar question in sports and it often comes with a level of subjectivity. There are names that stick out for obvious reasons. In basketball, Michael Jordan sits towards the top. In Hockey, there’s Wayne Gretzky. Football …

Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Foreign Travelers To Expire May 11th; Opens The Door For Novak Djokovic’s Return To The United States

Well, it’s finally happening. The Biden Administration is making plans to lift the Covid-19 vaccine mandate travel ban that had been in place since late 2021, as part of the final stages of phasing out of the COVID emergency in the United States, according to a report from the online media publication OutKick late Monday. …

2022, A Year In Review: How Novak Djokovic Risked Everything And Still Emerged Victorious In The End

Standing up for what you believe isn’t easy and it usually comes at a cost. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic learned that lesson the hard way during the 2022 ATP season, where he faced heavy scrutiny for his decision to remain unvaccinated, defying the rules that kept him from playing in some of the major …

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