Will Novak Djokovic Ever Get The Recognition He Deserves?

How does one define who gets to be called the greatest player of all time? That is the million dollar question in sports and it often comes with a level of subjectivity. There are names that stick out for obvious reasons. In basketball, Michael Jordan sits towards the top. In Hockey, there’s Wayne Gretzky. Football …

Novak Djokovic Wins 22nd Career Major Singles Title: 10th Title In The Land Down Under

Tennis has completed its first major of the season and a familiar face has once again achieved glory at the Australian Open. We are, of course, talking about Novak Djokovic who claimed his 10th singles title in the land down under. He claimed victory in the early hours of the morning while most Americans were …

Roger Federer To Retire Following Laver Cup

When you are asked the question who is the greatest male tennis player of all-time, what player comes to your mind immediately? Well, that answer will be different for each person you ask, and it’s typically divided by generation. Some might answer with Pete Sampras, while others could argue Rod Laver, John McEnroe, Andre Agassi, …

The Two Sides of Roger Federer

We are living in a very complicated world right now, and leadership is lacking. Many people also believe now is not the time for sports, but I believe the contrary. People have also given up on finding positive role models in sports, because of the misconception that all athletes are greedy individuals. That couldn’t be …

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